Vagabon – Sorry I Haven’t Called review
‘Sorry I Haven’t Called’ is an album that conversationally chronicles the pursuit of happiness. There are no mysterious metaphors or lofty linguistics as Vagabon instead opts for straight-talking lyricism that reflects how she speaks in real life with her family and friends. ‘Do Your Worst’ holds an insufficient partner to account, while ‘You Know How’ is a thumping dance number that admits “I think we’re more than friends / But maybe just when we’re alone.” There’s a stark and assertive air to ‘Sorry I Haven’t Called’ that makes the record instantly likeable. The final pair of tracks fall on vastly different ends of the spectrum to each other: while ‘Made Out WIth Your Best Friend’ is an unapologetic and self-indulgent bass-heavy track that ought to be turned up, ‘Anti-Fuck’ is a tender and emotionally raw number that soundtracks the hazy morning after the fevered night before. ‘Sorry I Haven’t Called’ is yet another accomplished chapter. Vagabon’s versatility and elasticity has fast become her strong suit and to be able to keep everything so cohesive is her crowning glory. Her latest reinvention is one that should take her to a new level.