Evil Adjacent review • DIY Magazine
There’s something about Cosmorat’s cut-and-paste alt-pop that’s simultaneously instantly familiar, and yet not exactly like anything else at all. Perhaps the closest comparison could be Hemlocke Springs for their magpie-like approach, taking snippets of musical gold from anywhere and everywhere to pepper their hooks with, or maybe even Finneas, as ‘Evil Adjacent’ showcases a similar knack of knowing precisely when to pare everything back and when to throw everything in for equal emotional effect. ‘Something In The Rain’ is the most obvious funnel for the latter, the ’70s soft rock licks that pepper what begins as an introspective, classic pop ballad crashing in repeatedly, Taylor Pollack’s vocal almost drowning in the choral style samples to reflect the song’s message. In turn, the song sits at contrast with singles ’S.A.D.L.U.V’ and ‘Backseat Baby’, both borrowing from playground rhyme in a way not dissimilar to Superfood’s ‘Bambino’ alongside ‘90s bubblegum pop to immediate, and pleasing effect: ‘Backseat Baby’ in particular gives off the air of being one lucky video away from viral infamy. As story so far, or hint of where they’re headed next, ‘Evil Adjacent’ shows an act worth getting very excited for.